The Guide to Fairtrade in Biggleswade is available here. We plan to keep it updated with your help.

Guide to Fairtrade in Biggleswade  

Launch in October 2014

28/10/14: Since March 2007 a group of volunteers have been working towards achieving Fairtrade status for Biggleswade. They formed Fairtrade Association Biggleswade (FAB) and meet regularly to review progress and make plans.  The current project is to maintain a guide to Fairtrade products available in the town. It was launched last week in a public event at The Courtyard Centre.

There was an impressive display of Fairtrade items that members of the group purchased in Biggleswade shops.  Everything from tea to tee shirts and a full range of everyday food items. Visitors were able to sample and vote for a range of wines.  Nibbles and chocolate bars were also available to taste.